Michael Grunwald
Counsellor & Psychologist

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Life is a constant work in progress - and sometimes we just need a little help from someone outside our usual work/social/family environment. This may be to manage transitions, get things back on track after major or minor disruptions to our 'normal' life or find our way back out of a meaningless, anxious or dysfunctional cul-de-sac. On the other hand, you might feel like your life has never been 'normal' and are seeking alternatives for longer term changes.
If you feel you require additional or another kind of support than you are currently receiving from your friends, family or workplace (or YouTube), please call me (0414 400 508) or email me (michael@work-in-progress.net.au) to briefly tell me about your situation and discuss the various options for an initial consultation. There are also over 50 videos (see Videos tab) on a range of Psychology/Counselling topics - maybe you will find one or a number that particularly interest you to kick off or complement our conversation.

Update - Current at January 2025
All clients are eligible to speak to their GP about accessing 10 Medicare-rebated counselling sessions in a calendar year (in blocks of 6 + 4 sessions). At the present time I conduct counselling sessions using the modes outlined below (unless you are physically/technically unable to engage in these - please advise if this is the case).
Indoor counselling
I offer therapy sessions face-to-face indoors at our counselling premises at 125 St Johns Rd, Glebe.
Outdoor counselling
When the COVID pandemic closed workable options for doing therapy effectively indoors I began offering outdoor counselling sessions on the expansive public grounds of Sydney University, Glebe Foreshore and Victoria Park, close to our clinic. These sessions have proven to be very popular with a number of my clients, so I shall continue to offer them to clients who prefer to either sit outdoors and/or walk while addressing their psychological concerns. In the event of poor weather we can either reschedule, switch to an online Zoom session or relocate to a room in the counselling centre. A slightly higher Medicare rebate is paid for these 'off-site' sessions if you are paying a gap (aka 'co-payment').
Telecounselling / Telehealth (Zoom/Phone)
Online video (Zoom) and/or telephone counselling is available under Medicare if you have a new or existing Mental Health Plan/referral from your GP for focussed psychological services. Of course you are also able to access these services without a referral as a full-fee paying client. Telecounselling sessions are billed in a similar manner to face-to-face sessions, i.e. a gap payment applies if you previously made this so-called Medicare 'co-payment' at the counselling centre. If you have a new referral, you or your doctor can email it to me (michael@work-in-progress.net.au) if you are not coming to our counselling centre in Glebe.
My preference for telecounselling is to use Zoom teleconferencing software, so in terms of technology you need a relatively new smart phone or a tablet/laptop/PC. You also need to find a (semi) private space that allows you to have an undisturbed confidential counselling session and access to a fast internet network is ideal. To maintain privacy, confidentiality and security it is also important that neither party use the chat or record functions as this stored data could then potentially be accessible to others.
To start a session I will email you a link at the start of the hour that you can click to 'join' the counselling session online. When you 'join' this private counselling session your device will automatically download the required app to your device if not already installed. This download only needs to be done once.
When organising an initial session just let me know which mode of counselling you would prefer.
Payment & pricing for 2025
In order to pay for a session I will need to take down your credit card details at the beginning of an online/outdoor series of sessions. If you are entitled to claim the Medicare rebate but do not have a referral from a GP (together with a MHP) and/or wish to claim from your private health fund, then I will still need your credit card details in advance in order to process payment for the session - I can then email you a receipt for presentation to Medicare or your health fund if required.
Payment for face-to-face sessions involving a co-payment (i.e. gap) can be made in our office at the end of each session and I will email you a receipt for you to claim the Medicare online through MyGov.
- Full fee for a 60-minute session is $180. This means a co-payment of around $80.00 (AKA gap) is required if you have a Mental Health Plan / GP referral.
- $50 gap (i.e. out of pocket expense) applies for low income clients (e.g. pensioners) with a MHP/GP referral
- Bulk billing - not offered (i.e. there is always a co-payment)
Please note: If billing involves a co-payment you will be charged/debited the full fee before being able to process the Medicare rebate electronically through the MyGov website - if you are registered with Medicare. In other cases you will be issued with a receipt for physical presentation to Medicare.
Please call or text me if you would like to clarify your situation and/or make an appointment (Mob 0414 400 508).
Regards and best wishes - Michael
Here is also a recent SBS documentary - Addicted Australia - a 4-part series (2020)
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About me
I am a Registered General Psychologist (AHPRA Reg. No.PSY0001070032) and accredited Counsellor based at Therapeutic Axis on St Johns Road (opposite Glebe Town Hall) in Sydney's Inner West. If you find it difficult to come to Glebe, I may also be able to visit your home, residential facility or workplace either as a private client or utilising a mental health plan and the Medicare rebate. Please go to my "About me" page to learn about my counselling training and areas of expertise.
Article from The Conversation: How to choose the right Pschologist for you
Medicare and other subsidised services
Ask your General Practitioner about a referral as part of an official Mental Health Plan - you may be entitled to up to 10 rebated counselling sessions per calendar year under Medicare (Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative). I offer gap-free (bulk-billed) counselling services under Medicare to full-time pensioners and the long-term unemployed. If you do not fit into one of these categories, then my gap is currently $83.35. Private patients can also ask their health fund about their rebate policy for approved psychological services.
What mental health problems can be treated under the Better Access initiative?
'Mental disorder' is a term used to describe a range of clinically diagnosable disorders that significantly impact on a person's emotions, thoughts, social skills and decision-making. The Better Access initiative (Medicare) covers people with mental disorders arising from:
Note: Click each point to access further information
- Alcohol use disorder and its impact on children as adults
- Anxiety disorders
- Adjustment disorder - i.e. struggling with changes in your life (often a relevant diagnosis)
- Attention deficit disorder
- Bereavement disorder
- Bipolar disorder
- Conduct disorder
- Co-occurring anxiety and depression
- Depression (including Post-Partum Depression PPD)
- Drug use disorder
- Eating disorders
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Panic disorder
- Phobic disorder
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - What is PTSD?
- Psychotic disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Sexual disorders - Love, sex and pornography
- Sleep problems
- Vicarious trauma
Types of therapy (Modalities)
- For an overview and explanation of many different therapy approaches, please see video above or click HERE
Other areas of counselling interest (also check out my 'Videos' page)
- Breathing - How it helps stress
- Meditation
- Mindfulness meditation (Light of Lily blog article)
- TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) - simple yoga-like exercises to release traumatic stress - FAQs
- Neurofeedback
- Attachment theory and relationships
- Family Systems
- Values - What are personal values - Finding your own - 5 different core values tools
- Domestic Violence - SBS documentary
- Racism - Structural racism
- Addiction - including pornography
- Study stress - including procrastination and perfectionism
- Anger Management and Strategies for addressing anger
- Polyvagal Theory
- Freud's psychoanalytical theory of personality
- Skinner & how Behaviourism explains personality development
- Bandura - Social cognitive learning theory and triadic reciprocal determinism
- Narcissism - Your manager? - Your date? - Your partner? - Strategies 1 - Strategies 2
Support organisations
- Mental Health NSW - WayAhead Directory of services (comprehensive list of supporting organisations)
- Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
- Blue Knot Foundation (Complex Trauma)
- Post-Adoption Resource Centre (PARC)
- Smiling Mind
- Mood Active (for low cost exercise classes in various Sydney locations)
- Beyond Blue
- Headspace - Support for 15-24 year olds
- Black Dog Institute
- Lifeline
- SANE Australia
- Centre for Clinical Interventions - online information and self-help modules
- Mental Health Association NSW
- Turning Point -for gambling help online and addiction Counselling Online
- St Vincents Hospital
- Butterfly Foundation (Eating disorders)
- Foundation House (Construction Industry addiction clinic)
- www.brophy.org.au - It's Time we Talked
- Warakirri College - non-mainstream high school for disadvantaged students
- Redfern Legal Centre - free, confidential legal information, advice and advocacy
Training organisations/providers
- Centre for Existential Practice (CEP)
- Psychology Training
- Jansen Newman Institute (JNI)
- Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP)
- PDP Professional Development People
- University of Sydney (USYD)
- University of NSW (UNSW)
- Macquarie University (MQ)
- University of Western Sydney (UWS)
Link to latest helpful article: You've been diagnosed with depression, now what?